Lp-levyt, ulkomaiset

Viimeksi päivitetty: 19.01.2025

10ccdeceptive bends 1977 usamercury 3702ex--5
10ccdeceptive bends 1977 swedenmercury 6310502ex--5
10ccsheet music 1974 UK.ukal 1007vg++5
20 rockabilly hits (keltainen vinyyli)!johnny carrol/don woody/roy hall ym. 1979, Finland print!!mca maps 9185ex-20
abbagreatest hits vol. 2 polar pols 312vg++5
abbagreatest hits 1977 avat.kannet UK., mutta made in eire tarra laitettu päälle!epic epc 69218ex--8
abbagreatest hits 1975 hienot avattavat kannet!polar pols 266vg+6
abbaarrival 1976 kansi vg+polar 272ex--5
abbathe album 1977polar 282ex---8
abba the visitors 1981 finland print! Kansi vg+polar 342ex--3
aerosmithclassics live II, 1987 UK. (palanen pois kannesta)cbs 4600371ex-4
alan parsons projectammonia avenue 1984, usa cut out viiltoarista al8 8204ex--8
alan parsons projectgaudi 1987 germanyarista 208084ex---6
alan parsons projectstereotomy 1985 germanyarista 207463vg+6
alan parsons projectvulture culture 1984 hollandarista 90113ex-9
aliceelisir 1987emiex-4
all about evescarlet and other stories 1989 UK.mercury 838965-1ex-6
allman brothers band 2lpthe road goes on forever 1968-72, 1975 germany capricorn 2637101ex-22
animalsanimals 1964 UK. (kansi vg) levyssä naarmujastarline 5006g+++5
arlen rothhot pickups 1980sonet 845ex-4
art companygot it out of our head 1984cbsex--2
asiaalpha 1983 hollandgeffenex-9
asiaastra 1985 usa cut out viiltogeffenex-9
audio camera2. soundefect 1974 germanyteldec 6.22011ex-3
bad boys bluethe fift 1989 germanycoconout 210291ex--5
band 2lprock of ages 1972 UK. Kansi pieni ringwearcapitol sts-112vg+12
bangleseverything 1988 UK. + juliste!cbs 4629791ex--8
bangleseverything 1988 holland cbsex-3
barbarelladont stop the dance 1990toco 656523-1ex-4
barbra streisandemotion 1984cbsex--2
barbra streisandalbum 1963, re 1989 UK.cbs 9021961ex-3
baycity rollerswouldnt you like it? holland + hieno kirje juliste!bellex-8
beach boys 2lpsunshine dream comp. 1982 usacapitol 7777-12220-1ex-13
beatlesgreatest, germany emi odeon c 062-04207ex-13
beatles 2lp1962-1966 punainen tupla, germanyapple 1c188-05307/08ex-12
beatles & jimi hendrix (bootleg ) 197?toinen puoli beatles toinen jimi! Yhdesä biisiissä jälkiä ja kuuluu soitossa.kohtalainen äänitysvg ??7
beatles (bootleg) 197?get back to toronto (pahvikansi jossa liimattu kopio info)kohtalainen äänitysvg9
belinda carlislerunaway horses 1989virgin 2599ex--2
bette midlerthe best of bette 1978atlanticex--2
bill macmillanso in love sal 313ex--4
billy idolvital idol 1985cux 1502ex-8
billy joe shaverwhen i get my wings 1976 (charlie daniels/richard betts etc.) cutout viiltocapricorn 0698ex-3
billy martintwist twist twist UK. Soi hyvin + ylimääränen lp: joe houston: doin the twistdecca acl 1113vg4
black sabbathvol 4. 1972, 2001 UK. + liite!cmhlp 179ex-28
black sabbathattention, germanyfontana 6438057ex--16
blondieplastic letters 1978 sweden print (kansi vg++)chr 1166ex-14
blondie 2lpfollow me 1981 usachrysalis 80049ex--11
blues imagered white & blues image 1970 usa atco 348ex-22
bob dylanplanet waves 1974 usaasylum 1003ex--9
bob dylanslow train coming 1979 holland (kansi vg+)cbs 86095vg++5
bob dylanthe freewheelin 1967, re 197? Hollandcbs 62193ex--9
bob dylandesire 1975 hollandcbs 32570 ex-12
bob dylan dylan 1973 usacolumbia 32747ex-9
bob dylan (white vinyl)adelphi theatre dublin may 5, 1966 the live, italybulldog 008ex-9
bob dylan 2lpmore bob dylan greatest hits 1971 hollandcbs 67239ex--9
bob ruzickawhat the worlds all about 1972 UK.signpost sg 4254ex--4
bombers 2pmayall/clapton/taste/stone the crows/ginger baker/richie havens 1970 UK.polydor 2483007vg+6
boney m.greatest hits of all times remix `89 volume IIhansaex-3
bonnie tylerdiamond cut 1979 UK.rca 25194ex--4
bonnie tylersecret dreams and forbidden fire 1986cbsex-4
bonnie tylernatural force 1978rcaex-4
bonnie tylerfaster than the speed of night 1983cbsex-5
bood sweat & tearsIV, UK. 1971cbs 64355vg2
bopperskeep on boppin soslp 002ex-6
bostonthird stage 1986 usa (avattavat kannet ja kuva sisäpussi)mca 6188ex-8
boysboys only 1980 italysafari 401ex-11
boysboys only 1981 italy kansi vg---safari slp 401vg++4
boyzztoo wild to tame 1978 (kannessa harley)epic 82995ex--4
bram tchaikovskyfunland 1981 arista 4292ex-4
bruce springsteenborn in the usa 1984 holland + kuvasisäpussi + sanaliite!cbs 86304ex--8
bruce springsteentunnel of love 1987 holland + kuvasisäpussicbs 4602701vg++++6
bryan adams 2lpwaking up the neighbours 1991 hollandam 397164-1ex--11
bryan ferryboys and girls 1985eglp 62ex--5
bryan ferryin your mind 1977polydor 2310502vg+5
bryn haworthsunny side of the street 1975 UK.island ilps 9332ex--5
byrdssweet heart of the rodeo 1968, re 1989 hollandcbs 4670471ex-12
böccultosaurus erectus 1980 canadacolumbia 36550ex-20
canned heat 2lplive at the turku rock festival finland 1971! Germany 1990bear tracks bts 964410ex85
carlos santana and buddy miles live….2lpcarlos santana & buddy miles live & santana mclaughlin: love devotion, RE 1976cbs 22019ex-9
carpenterspassage 1977am lk 64703ex--3
carpenterscarpenters 1971 UK.am 63502ex-7
carpentersa song for you 1972 UK.am 63511ex-5
carpenterspassage 1977 holland (kansi vg)am 64703ex-3
carpentersticket to ride 1969 UK. Rehamlet 8001ex-5
carpenterslive at the palladium 1976 UK.am 68403ex-3
carpentershorizon 1975 usa (lippakansi)!am 4530ex-5
carsdoor to door 1987 elektraex-5
cars heartbeat city 1984 elektra 960296-1ex-6
cat stevensforeigner 1973 UK.ilps 9240vg++4
cat stevensnumbers 1975 UK. Kansi vg--ilps 9370ex---3
cat stevensback to earth 1978 ilps 9565ex--3
ccrall time hits 1990 finland print! + kuvasisäpussi!euros international sin-1060ex--9
ccrpendulum usa wanha painos! Avattavat kannet vg+fantasy 8410vg++12
charly maucher (jane/kraut)performance 1980 (feat peter panka, uli böttcher, wolfgang krantz)cm 1111 asex-10
cheap trick (yellow vinyl limited edition)!at the budokan UK. 1979 + booklet kirjanen! Kansi vg+++epic epc 86083ex-28
cher foxy lady 1972 usa cut outkapp 5514ex-6
chicagoXI, holland 1977cbsex----4
chicago 2lp (toinen kuvasisäpussi puuttuu)V, 1972 kansi ylä ja alareunat hieman auki repeytyneet)cbs 31102ex----6
chicago 4 lp boxiat the cornegie hall volumes i, ii, iii, iv. 1971 + liite UK.cbs 66405vg++18
chris readancing with the strangers 1987k-tel ex-3
chris reathe road to hell 1989weavg++3
chris reathe road to hell 1989weaex-6
chris reaauberge 1991east westex-3
chris reaon the beach 1986 finland printk-telex-3
christian jay bollandravesignal III, 1991rs 9131ex--5
christie san bernadino, yellow river 1970 UK. Orig.cbs 64108vg3
cliff richardmore hits by cliff, UK. Vanha painos.Columbia scx 3555vg+5
cliff richard & the shadowssummer holyday 1963 UK. Wanha painos! (sinimustahopea etiketti)columbia 33sx 1472 monovg15
crazy cavanstill crazy 1980 finland printljlp 1001ex---9
crosby, stills, nash & youngdeja vu, usa Wanha painos (ropolinen kartonki ja liimattu valokuva)atlantic sd 7200vg16
crosby,stills,nash & youngamerican dream 1988 usa pieni cut out viiltoatlantic ex-9
culture clubwaking up with the house of fire 1984virginex--2
dave clark fivethe best of UK.starline srs 5037vg+3
dave stewart and the spiritual cowboys and the spiritual cowboys 1990pl 74710ex-5
david bowieblack star 2015, eurooppa painos! + vihko + download koodilipuke.C-139259/AL88875173871ex50
david bowietonight 1984 made in eec (DMM metal mastering) + kuvasisäpussiemi america 064 2402271ex-15
david bowielets dance 1983 UK. + kuvasisäpussiemi aml 3029ex-15
david bowielets dance 1983 germany + kuvasisäpussiemi 400165ex-9
david crosbyoh, yes i can 1989 germanyam ex-6
dean martingolden memories 1985, finland printk-telex---2
debbie harrykookoo, 1981 chrysalios 1347ex-5
deep purple24 carat purple, holland print (kansi vg+)emi 1A038-96424ex-12
deep purplein rock 1970, UK. Re (kansi vg(+)emi fame fa 3011ex-11
deep purplefireball 1971, re hollandfame 1575621ex-16
deep purplein rock 1970 re holland (pieni tarranpoisto jälki)fame 1575051ex-16
deep purple 2lpmark I & II, made in EEC 1973emi 184-94865 & 66 & 66ex--18
deep purple 2lpmark I & II, sweden print 1973emi 188-94865/6ex--18
deke leonardkamikaze 1974 usaua-la 306-gex-3
del shannonrunaway hits 198?edsel xed 121ex-8
demis roussosforever and ever 1973 hollandphilipsex--3
dexys midnight runnersto rye ay 1982mercuryex-2
dire straitsmaking movies 1980 canadamercury 3857ex--8
dire straitsbrothers in arms 1985 finland print (takakansi pieni repeämä)vertigo 824499ex--6
divinethe story so far 1984protoex-6
dog soldierdog soldier 1975, usa ( toisella puolella levyssä väärä etiketti) cut out reikäua-la 405-gex-15
dolly partonthe great pretender 1984 usa pieni cut out + kuvasisäpussirca 4940ex-5
dolly partonthe great pretender 1984 germanyrca ex--5
dolly partongreat balls of fire 1979 UK.rcaex-5
don mcleandon mclean 1972 usa, cut outuas5651ex--6
don nixgone too long 1976 usa cut outcream 1001ex-5
donovanwhats bin did and whats bin hid 1965 UK. Kansi vg(+)marble mal 795vg+5
donovanwhats bin did and whats bin hid 1965 UK. Orig. ? (takakan. Textiä)pye nspl.18117vg5
donovanuniversal soldier, UK.1965marble mal 718vg++8
donovanuniversal soldier, re 1983 spot 8514ex-5
donovanbarabajagal 1968/69 germany orig.? Kansi vg++epic bn 26481 stern musikvg10
donovangreatest hits 1969 usa + avattavat kannet ja vihkonen sisäkansissaepic bxn 26439vg+8
donovangreatest hits and more 1989 UK. emi ems 1333ex-5
donovanthe real donovan 1966 usa stereohickory lp 135ex--8
donovanfairytale 1965 usa hickory lp 127vg+8
donovanfairytale 1965, re 1969 UK.marble mals 867vg++8
donovanlike it is 1968 usahickory lps 143ex--8
donovan25 years in concert made in eec 1991dino dnlp 1253ex-8
donovancolours 1965 UK.hallmark hma 241ex-6
donovandonovan in concert 1968 hollandepic bn s- 26386ex-15
donovanthe world of donovan 1965 UK. (kansi vg)marble mal 1168vg5
donovansunshine superman 1966 usa, RE 197?epic bn 26217ex-15
donovansunshine superman 1967 UK. Mono lp orig. Punainen pye etiketti!pye mono npl 18181vg(+)20
donovanneutronica 1981 germany rca pl 28429ex-8
donovanlove is only feeling 1981 new zealand interfusion l 37762ex-8
donovanlady of the stars 1984 usa allegiance av 437ex-8
donovanhear me now 1971 usajanus jls-3025ex-8
donovan 2lpbarabajagal & hurdy gordy man 1975 usaepic bg 33731ex-16
donovan 2lpthis is donovan 1969 germany epic bn 26276vg+12
donovan 2lpdonovan 1971 germany, re 197?ariola 85080 xtex-12
doorsan oliwer stone film 1991 germanyelektra ex-12
doorswaiting for the sun 1968, re 198? Germanyelekra 42041vg+++15
doorsvol.2 1974midi 22008ex--11
doorswaiting for the sun 1968, re Germanyelekra 42041ex-15
doorsfull circle 1972 avattavat kannet germanyelektra 42116ex-12
doorsalive she cried 1983elektra 96-0269-1ex-14
doug kershawswamp grass 1972 usa orig. (kansi vg+)wb 2581ex-8
dusty springfieldgreatest hits 1983philips 9432ex-9
dusty springfielda girl called dusty 1964, re UK.bgo 46ex-9
dusty springfieldgolden hits 1966, re usa 198?mercury ex-9
dusty springfielddusty the silver collection 1988 UK.dustv 1ex-9
dusty springfieldin memphis… plus, re 1985? UK.philips price 83ex-9
dylan & the dead sama 1989, hollandcbs ex--16
eaglesone of these nights 1975 usa koho kansi!asylum 1039ex---9
eddy starr orchestra & singers 2lpthe music of ennio morricone once upon a time in the west 1980mcr 80032ex--4
edith piafder spatz von paris 1971nd 619ex--2
ekseptiontrinity, holland orig. ?philips vg+++5
ekseptionekseption`78 mercury 6363022vg++6
electric monster rock show 2lpcanned heat,j. winter,amon duul2, krokodil,fantasy, can, ym. Germany liberty 83423/24 xvg+8
elephants memoryelephants memory 1972 usaapple 3389vg+++9
ellen foleyanother breath 1983 hollandepic 25258ex--6
elodiscovery 1979 avattavat kannet, hollandjet 35769ex--6
elodiscovery 1979 avattavat kannet, usajet 35769vg++8
elopart two 1991, eec denmarkelap 4518ex-4
elo 2lpelo 1 & 2. 1971 / 1973, re 1977milestones emivg+12
elvissing hits from his movies volume 1. 1972 usa camden 2567ex-3
elvismovie songs 1982, finland printk-telex--3
elvisits now or never 1981camden 1203vg++3
eric claptonpop giants vol. 7. 197?brunswick 2911518ex---3
eric claptonmoney and cigarettes 1983 usa pieni cut out kansi vg+wbex--5
eric claptontimepieces vol. II live in the seventies, germany rso 811835vg+++6
erick burdon and the animals 2lp love is, usa print. Toinen lp sökö (mulla kyllä soi läpi) + levyyhtiökuvapussit!mgm se-4591-2vg ?5
erothequeerotheque 1977, italy kansi vgemi 18240vg++4
eurythmics1984 UK. virgin oved 207ex-6
eurythmicswe too are one 1989 rca 74251ex-8
eurythmicsrevenge 1986 germanypl 71050ex-6
famefame motion picture 1980rso ex-3
fats and the chessmencome on everybody-lets do the twist 1962 UK. golden guinea ggl 0117vg(+)5
ferlin huskytrue true lovin 1973 UK. probe 1073ex-9
flash & the panflash & the pan 1979mercuryex-3
flash & the pancollection 1990epicex-3
flash & the panlights in the night 1980mercuryvg+3
flash & the panheadlines 1982envyex-3
flash dance (mainos lp)sony arvonnan pikavoitto finland ei myytäväksi 1983casablancaex-3
foghatgirls to chat & boys to bounce 1981 germanybearsville 203917-320ex-6
foreigneragent provocateur 1984, germany atlanticex-8
foreigneragent provocateur 1984, germany (kansi vg(+)atlanticvg+5
frank ifieldblue skies 1964, UK. Orig.columbia 1588 monovg++9
frank ifield close to you 1966 , wanha Mono UK. Orig.?columbia sx 6080ex---8
frank sinatra 10"fabulous frank 1955 orig. hollandphilips B 07680 Rvg--6
gallery featuring jim goldfeaturing jim gold 1972 usa sussex 7026ex--4
gary moorewild frontier 1987 germanyvirgin ex--12
gary moore 2lpg-force & live at the marquee 1988castle tfolp 2 ex--12
genesisinvisible touch 1986 germany (ropollinen kansikuva)!virginvg++8
george harrisonliving inthe material world 1973 + liitepas 10006ex-16
girlschoolhit and run 1981 swedenbronze 534ex-16
graham parker and the rumourstick to me 1977 usa cut out mercuryex--4
graham parker and the rumourhowlin wind 1976 UK.vertigo 6360129ex-8
granati brothersg force 1979am 4748ex-2
guess whoguess who, francemusidisc 30 cv 1344ex-3
guy beartvive la rose 1966, re 1973 francegb 00003vg+5
hank williams jr.the new south 1977, germany 1981elektra 52341ex-5
harry nilsson / prod. john lennonpussycats 1974 UK.rca 0570ex-6
heartdog & butterfly 1978 UK. Reprt 32803ex-8
heavy metal 2lpblack sabbath, böc,journey, trust, ym. 1981 kannet vgepic 88558vg--3
hello peoplethe handsome devils 1974 cut outabc dunhill 50184ex-3
herman`s hermitsthe best of 1965 usa orig. Tai ainakin wanha painos.mgm e-4315ex-8
holliesfive three one-doble seven o four 1979 polydor 2383535ex--3
hooterszig zag 1989cbsex-4
housemartins 2lp now thats what i call quite good, 1988chrysalis 303274ex-18
humble pie 2lpeat it 1973 UK. am 6004vg+15
i asked for water she gave me…gasolinevarious usaimperial 12455vg++8
ian whitcombthe best of 1985rhino rnlp 127ex---4
iron butterflymetamorphosis 1970 usaatco 339ex-22
j.j. caleshades 1981 italyshelter ariston shl 18013ex--6
j.j. caletravel-log 1989 zl 74291ex-8
j.j.calebest of 1991 finland printmercury ex-6
j.j.calenaturally 1980 italyshelter 18010ex-9
jackson brownelawyers in love 1983 germanyasylumex-4
jackson browneworld in motion 1989 germanyelektraex-4
jamin the city 1977 UK.polydor 2383447ex---16
jarremagnetic fields 1981 germany kansi vg+polydor 2344166ex---5
jason & the scorcherslost & found 1985emiex-6
jefferson starshipred octopus 1975, re 1981rca ints 5069ex-9
jefferson starshipfreedom at poit zero 1979 usa pieni cut out viiltogrunt 3452ex--4
jennifer rushmovin 1985cbsex-3
jethro tullwar child 1974 sweden (kansi vg+)chrysalis 1067ex--9
jethro tulltoo old to rock`n`roll 1976, re italy 1980? Avattavat kannetchrysalis 6307572ex--15
jethro tullsongs from the wood 1977 italy chrysalis 3211321ex-15
jethro tullrock island 1989 UK.chrysalis 1708ex-14
jimmy martin and the sunny mountain boysfly me to frisco 1974 usamca 435ex-3
joe cockerunchain my heart 1987emi capitolex-4
john denverwindsong 1975 usarca 1183ex--6
john illsley (dire straits)never told a soul 1984space vertigo 822239-1ex-3
john lennon plastic ono bandshaved fish 1974? UK. Sisä pussi! Kannen yksi kulma vaurio vg--apple 7173vg+5
john mayallbottom line,1979 UK.djf 20556ex-8
johnny cashany old wind that blows 1973 usacolumbia 32091ex-9
johnny cashjohnny cash 1980europa 111423.9ex-3
johnny cashballad of a teenage queen UK.shm 862ex--3
johnny cashi walk the line usahilltop js 6097ex--3
johnny cashsings precious memories 1975 usacolumbia 33087ex----6
johnny cashthe singin story teller, usa sun 115vg(+)5
johnny cashstrawberry cake 1976 usacolumbia kc 34088vg+5
johnny cashi walkn the line UK.shm 849ex-4
johnny cashone piece at a time UK. 1984 ?shm 3179ex-3
johnny cash rockabilly blues 1980 hollandcbs 84607ex--10
johnny cash 2lpi walk the line & rock island line usa hilltop ptp-2045vg++6
johnny cash 2lpthe gospel road 1973 hollandcbs 68243ex--12
johnny wintersaints & sinners 1974 hollandcbs 65842vg++8
kate bushhounds of love 1985 canada kansi vg++ ja kuavasisäpussi vg+emi st 17171ex-20
kate bushthe whole story 1980 canadaemi pwas 17242ex--15
kate bushthe kick inside 1978 canadacapitol sw 11761ex-18
kate bushlionheart 1978, re 1984 holland + kuvasisäpussifame 1575471ex-15
kate bushthe dreaming 1982 holland emi 64589ex---15
kate bushthe dreaming 1982 canadaemi st 17084ex-15
kate bushnever for ever 1980 canadaemi stao 6476ex-15
ken levy and the phantomsrock `n`roll 1973 sweden cupol clp 104ex--14
kim larsen231045-0637 holland 1979cbsex-2
kim wildekim wilde 1981 (kansi vg)rakex-3
kim wildelove moves 1990mcaex-3
king kong (soundtrack) ei julistetta!john barry 1976 usa (levyjä on samaa kaksin kappapalein)!ms 2260ex-2
kinksstreetwalker 1977 usa cut out viiltoarista 4106ex-6
kinks 2lp backtrackin 1985 UK.star blend track 1ex--12
kinks 2lp (golden hour)lola,percy & the apeman come face to face with the vilage green preservation…ghd 50ex--15
kissanimalize 1984, finland print! + kuvasisäpussi! Kansi vg++casablanca 822495-1ex--12
kissanimalize 1984, UK. + kuvasisäpussi! Kansi vg-vertigo verl 18ex---6
kisslick it up 1983 holland kansi vg-814297 vg4
kiss ep maxi limited fan editionthrills in the night/burn bitch burn/heavens on fire 1984casablanca 880535ex-12
kiss ace frehley (kuvalevy)!!ace frehley 1978 usa (kansikin lähes EX--)nbpix 7121ex--50
kiss gene simmonsgene simmons 1978 germany (kansi vg+)casablanca 6399084ex--10
kiss paul stanleypaul stanley usa cut out + kuvasisäpussi (kansi vg(+)nblp 7123ex--15
kissing the pinkcertain things are likely 1986magnetex-5
kommerciel kulturskrock/xyz/blow out/kamax/iq/asfarock/fyra ohm/rocky mountains 1983plp 022ex-6
kylie minogueenjoy yourself 1989hf 9ex-2
L.L. Cool Jradio 1985 usadef jam 40239ex--20
lalo schifrintheres a whole goin on, usa dot dlp 25852ex---8
landslagettravellin in our songs 1974emi 35111cg++5
league unlimited orchestralove and dancing 1981 virgin oved 6ex--4
led zeppelinII, 1969, RE 1973 Japanipainos + obi + liite!atlantic P-8042Aex-60
lee kings / 3 guest tracks by the sunspotsstop the music 1966 orig. ?sonet gp-9911ex--18
leonard cohenrecent songs 1979cbsex---9
leonard cohensong of 1966, re UK. 197?cbs 63241ex--12
leonard cohenim your man 1988 hollandcbs 460642ex-8
leonard cohenvarious positions 1984 hollandcbs 26222ex-8
les variationscafe de paris 1975buddah 5625ex-3
linda ronstadtmad love 1980asylumex-2
live stiffsian dury/elvis costello/nick lowe/larry wallis/wreckless eric 1978 UK.mfp 50445ex-5
liz damonliz damonds orient express usa cut out 1971anthem ans 5900ex--5
lovin spoonfulhums of the lovin spoonful 1966 germany orig. Soi hyvin!kama sutra 620003vg(+)9
manhattan transfervocalese 1985 germanyatlanticex-5
manhattan transferlive 1987atlanticex-2
marc almondenchanted 1990 germanyparlophonevg+6
marc bolan 2lptill dawn 1985 ( kansi vg)marcl 509vg+13
marc bolan and t.rex 2lpbest of the 20th century boy 1985 , finland print!k-tel mb 7094ex--12
marianne faithfulldangerous acquaintances 1981island 9648ex--5
marianne faithfullstrange weather 1987, canadaislandex--5
marianne faithfullthe world of… 1969 UK.decca spa 17ex--9
marilyn monroe20 golden greats 1984dvlp 2001ex-3
marky mark and the funky bunchmusic for the people 1991 germanyinterscope 7567-91737-1ex-9
mary hopkinpost card 1969 usaapple st-3351ex--8
matchboxflying colours 1981 italymagnet dai 30382ex--8
matchboxmidnite dynamos 1980 sweden print magnet 64106ex--8
matchboxmidnite dynamos 1980 scandinavia/finland/sweden print covermagnet 64106ex-8
matchboxmidnite dynamos 1980 scandinavia/finland/sweden print covermagnet 64106vg+4
matchboxsettin the woods on fire 1980, finland printwik. 10ex--15
mayall john the blues alone 1967 UK. Orig.? (takakan. Ed. omistajan nimi)ace of clubs scl 1243ex--15
meatloafbat out hell 1977 holand epic 82419vg++9
melaniemadrugada 1974 usanrs 48001ex---6
melaniegather me 1971, germany printbuddah 2318050vg+6
melaniemy first album 1970 usa , pieni cut out reikäbuddah 5074ex--8
melaniecandles in the rain, germany buddah 2318006vg3
melissa manchesterhome to myself 1975 arista 4006ex--4
midnight oilred sails in the sunset 1984cbs ex--6
mike nesmithpretty much your standard ranch stash 1973 usapacific 117ex-7
mike oldfieldcrises 1983 finland print kansi hieman vauriota vg-virgin 2262ex--3
modern talkinglets talk about love 1985mrlp 3022ex-6
modern talkingthe 1st album 1985megaex--5
mohawks maxi (väri vinyyli)!the champ/ b bumper to bumper 1968/1972, re 1987 germany cut out viiltoint 125.586ex--8
moody bluesevery good boy deserves favour 1971 UK. Kansi vgths 5vg4
moody bluesseventh sojourn 1972 UK. + liiteths 7vg(+)6
moody bluesdays of future passed 1967, re 198? deram doa 6ex--9
moody bluesoctave 1978 UK.decca txs 129ex--5
moody bluesto our childrens childrens children 1969, UK. (kannen pääty repaleinen)treshold ths 1.ex--6
moody blues 2lpcaught live + 5 usa 1977 cut outlondon 690vg+5
moon martinshots from a cold nightmare 1978 usa cut out reikäcapitol 11787ex---8
motorsthe motors (airport) kansi vg(+)virgin 2101ex--3
mountainthe best of mountain feat.leslie west & felix pappalardi 1973 usacolumbia bl 32079ex---12
movethe best of the move, germany 1970karusell 2345020ex---9
nazarethexercises 1972, re usa cut out viiltoam 3168ex-18
nazarethmalice in wonderland 1980 canadaam 4799ex-15
nazarethexpect no mercy 1977, re 1990castle 187ex-16
neil diamondyou dont bring me flowers 1978cbsex-2
neil younghawks & doves 1980 italyrepriseex---6
neil youngeverybodys rockin 1983 UK.geffen 25590ex---9
neil young 2lpjourney through the past 1972 germany kansi vg++reprise 64015ex--18
neil young & crazy horsereactor 1981 usa pieni cut out viiltoreprise hs 2304ex-9
neil young & crazy horselife 1987 germanygeffen 924154-1ex--9
nice enouch to eatking crimson, free, jethro tull, mott the hoople ym. (kansi vg+)pink island iwps 6vg+6
nilssonduit on mon dei 1975 usarca 0817ex-4
nitsgiant normal dwarf 1990 hollandcbs 4674961ex-12
omddazle ships 1983virginex--5
orphanrock and reflection 1973, usa london 630ex-9
outlawssoldiers of fortune 1986 usa cut out reikäpasha 40512ex-4
outsiders Utangarðsmenn 1981, island (kansi vg-) ei liitettä.i.o.p. 002ex--25
pat traversputting straight 1977 germanypolydorvg++6
paul jonesthe best of 1968 sweden orig. columbia ssx 1036ex--9
paul jonescrucifix in a horseshoe 1971 usa cut outlondonxps 605ex--8
paul mccartneytug of war, germany printemiex-8
paul simonpaul simon 1972 UK.cbs 69007vg3
paul youngthe secret of association 1985cbsex--2
petula clarkalbum 1972 UK.pye pet 1ex-6
pilotpilot 1974, usa cut out (kansi vg(+)emi 11368ex---6
pretendersII, 1981 swedensrk 3572vg++5
pretenderspretenders 1980 sweden printral 3ex-6
pugh & rainrockhammarhjärta 1985emiex--6
randy bachmansurvivor 1978polydorex--2
richard harristhe yard went on forever…1968 UK. Orig. Kansi vg+dunhill 5001vg4
richard harrisi, in the membership of my days 1974dcd-50159ex--2
robert johnsonclose personal friend 1978 usa pieni cut out viiltoinf 9000ex-6
rocketslove transfusion 1977 usa tortoise 2572ex--8
rod stewartnever a dull moment 1972 UK. Orig. mercury 6499-153ex--9
rod stewartevery picture tells a story 1971 UK. Orig. (kansi vg++)mercury 6338063vg++6
rod stewartnever a dull moment 1972 germany orig. mercury 6338094ex--8
rod stewartblondes have more fun 1978wbex--2
rod stewartgasoline alley 1970, re hollandmercury 6336546ex-8
roger daltreydaltrey 1973 UK. Orig. track 2406-107vg++6
rolling stonesrock`n` 1972 (ekan biisin jälki ei kuulu soitossa)decca skl 5149vg+++15
rolling stonesstory of the stones 30 original greats 1982 ne 1201ex ---9
rolling stonesunder cover 1983 made in eec + kuvasisäpussi + sanaliite + postimyynti kuponkiemiex--15
rolling stonesunder cover 1983 holland + kuvasisäpussi + sanaliite + postimyynti kuponkiemiex--14
rolling stonesblack and blue 1976, re 198? UK. 4502031 ex--13
rolling stonesblack and blue 1976, + liite germany pintajälkeä…. Kansi vg coc 59106-zvg5
rolling stonestattoo you, germany emi 64533ex-14
rolling stones1964, re 1982 music for millions decca 6495108ex--6
rotary connectiondinner music 1970 usa pieni cut out reikäcadet lps 328ex---6
roxettepearls of passion 1986 swedenemi 1362451ex--18
roxettelook sharp! 1988 swedenparlophoneex-8
roxettelook sharp! 1988 espana print7910981 ex--9
roxette 2lptourism 1992 germany emi 07777999291ex--45
roy orbisoncollectors edition germanyencore record 3688ex--6
roy orbison 2lproy orbison collection 1986cclp 147ex--6
roy orbison and the friendsa black and white night live 1989virgin v 2601ex-6
rumourfrogs sprouts clocgs and krauts 1978 UK. (kansi vg)seez 13138vg++3
ryno rockersrockabilly bop 1980 swedenglp 8010ex--12
saddle soapganned heather 1976emi ex--5
sailorcheckpoint 1977 hollandepic 82256ex-3
sailorsailor 1991 germanyrca pl 74996ex-4
sammy hagarall night long 1978 avattavat kohokannetcapitol smas 11812ex-9
santa esmeraldabeauty 1978 philipsex---2
santanaze bop 1981cbsex--6
santanawelcome 1973 usacolumbia 32445ex--8
santanawelcome 1973 usa ( kansi vg)columbia 32445ex--5
santana welcome 1973 holland avattavat kannetcbsex-9
santana 2lpthe best 1991 finland printk-tel sa-7172ex-8
santana & alice coltraneilluminations 1974 hollandcbs 69063ex-9
sex pistolsthe great rockn roll swindle 1980 UK. Kansi vg+virgin v 2168ex-15
shadowssomething else!! 1969 UK. (pieni pintajälki ei kuulu soitossa)starline srs 5012vg+4
shadowsrock on with UK.mfp 50468ex-2
shadowsjigsaw 1967, re UK. 197?columbia scx 6148vg+++6
shakti with john mclaughlinshakti 1975 usacolumbia pc 34162vg++8
shananahot sox 1974 cut out viiltokamasutra 2600ex--2
shooting starshooting star 1980 UK.virgin 2130ex-3
simon and garfunkelbridge over trouble water (1980 japani painos) half speed masteredsony cbs ls-1052vg++6
simon and garfunkelgreatest hits 1972, canadacolumbiavg++3
simon and garfunkel collection 17 greatest 1981 hollandcbs 10029ex-2
skin alleyskin tight 1973, usa ringweari kannessastax 3022ex--9
sladeyou boyz make big noize 1987 rca 71260ex-28
sladealive! 1972 UK. Taitaa olla originaali.polydor 2383-101vg+12
small faces78 in the shade 1978atlantic 19171ex--3
smithsstarange ways here we come 1987 scandinavia print! (Kansi vg++) + liite!rough trade 106ex---30
smokiegreatest hits 1977 sweden, hieman vempula.rak ex---3
sound effects no. 28comedy 1983 bbc bbc records 478vg++5
southern pacific killbilly hill 1986, usa pini cut out viiltowb 25409ex--4
spencer davis groupbest of feat.stevie winwood 1967, re 198? UK.ilpm 9070ex-9
stan webbs chicken shackroadies concerto 1981 UK. Kansi vgrca 5013ex--8
status quoon the level 1975, re 1983vertigo price 39ex-14
steve marriotmarriot 1976 am sp 4572ex--6
steve miller bandabracadabra 1982 mercury 6302204ex-12
steve miller bandyour saving grace 1969, re holland 197? Avattavat kannet!capitol 80277ex-16
steve miller bandbrave new world 1969, usa re 1972 vattavat kannetskao 184 capitol ex-22
stewart copelandthe equalizer & other cliff hangers 1987ilp 4604741ex-5
stills-young bandlong may you run 1976 usa, cut out viilto reprise 2253ex---13
stranglersfeline 1982 hollandepic 25237ex-12
strawberry statement 2lpneil young,crosby,stills, nash, buffy saintemarie, thunderclap.Usa 1970 cutoutmgm 2se-14stex-8
stryperin god we trust 1988 UK.envlp 501ex--8
style council lpthe cost of loving 1987 UK.tsclp 4ex-12
styx ( lp saanut reunalämpöä eka biisi ei soi)grand illusion, usa kannet + texti sisäpussi + juliste!am sp 4637 promotionvg+2
supertrampbreakfast in america 1979 usa am 3708vg4
swaneebushido 1985 australiasfl 10126ex--3
swingin londonruss sainty the first impression 1972 UK. boulevard 4070ex--3
synthesizer greatest vol 2.bolero/equinoxe/autobahn ym. Finland print. 1989arcadeex-2
synthesizer greatest vol 3.dune/magic fly/l?opera sauvage ym. 1990 finland print!arcadeex-2
synthesizer greatest vol 4.frantic/silk road/lucifer ym. Finland print 1990arcadeex-2
t.rexthe unobtainable 1980emi nut 28ex--8
t.rexthe slider 1972, canada printreprise 2095ex-18
talking headsremain in light 1980, oisko espana print?sire srk 6095 npex--15
talking headsstop making sense + vihko! 1984 germany (kannessa pieni vaurio)emi 2402431ex--28
tangerine dream (kirjaston poisto)lily on the beach 1989 kansi laminoituprivate musicex--3
ted nugentted nugent 1975 hollandepic 69198ex--12
ted nugentweekend warriors 1978 canadaepic 35551ex-12
ted nugentfree for all 1976 hollandepic 81397ex-12
the blues 2lpgary moore/dr.feelgood/rory gallagher/j.mayal/lonnie mack ym, 1990 finland print!sonet 1036ex--5
the blues 2. 2lpjohn lee hooker/buddy guy/b.b. king/gary moore ym. 1991 finland print!sonet 1047ex--5
the hit-kickers series vol 2. 3lpjohnny winter/doug sahm/moe bandy/ freddy fender etc. 1976 usafestival fr 1015,16,17vg+6
thee prophetsplaygirl usa cut out reikäkapp ks-3596ex--3
them the world of them 1970?decca spa 86ex--8
them 2lp featuring van morrisonkokoelma 1974 UK. deram dpa 3001/2ex------14
theo vanessback to music 1978karma 2325201ex-3
thin lizzyjailbreak 1976, re 1983vertigo price 50ex-16
tina turnerbreak every rule 1986capitol ex-3
tina turnerforeign affair 1989capitolvg+2
titanicseawolf 1972 UK. Orig.cbs 64791ex-16
todd rungren 2lpanthology 1988raw lp 035ex-6
tom jones13 smash hits 1967decca skl 4909ex--3
tom jonesits not unusual 1982cn 2053ex-2
tom jones 2lpgreatest collection 1989 finland print!londonex--4
tom waits 2lpasylum years 1984 germany asylum 960321-1ex--26
tony hazzardwas that alright then? 1973 UK.bronze ilps 9222vg (+)5
totothe seventh one 1988 hollandcbs 460645 1ex--8
totofahrenheit 1986 hollandcbs 57091ex--8
toto 2lptoto & turn back 1989 + liitteet! Hollandcbs 465219 1ex--12
transvision vamp velveteen 1989 ei julistetta!mcaex-4
transvision vamp velveteen 1989 + juliste!mca 256618ex-8
tubesthe completion backward principle 1981 germanycapitol 400009ex-6
tygers of pan tangthe cage 1982 UK. mca 3150ex-15
tygers of pan tangwild cat 1980 germanymca 202966ex-20
ultravoxrage in eden 1981cdl 1338ex--6
uriah heep sweet freedom 1973 RE (western germany) bronze 28777xotex15
uriah heep (peilikansi) muutama lievä naksulook at yourself 1971 germany / europe 1970 tai 1980 luvun painos?bronze 28765-270vg++18
van morrisonmoondance, re usa avattava kannet vg kulumaawb 1835vg++6
van morrison featuring them 2lpits all over now baby blue 1975 germany kannet vg+nova 6.28339ex-----10
vaya con diosvaya con dios 1988ariola 85080 xtex--2
vaya con diosnight owls 1990ariola ex-2
village peoplevillage people 1977 usanblp 7064ex--3
village peoplecruisin 1978ds 4028ex--3
village peoplefox on the box 1982 finland print arrival ds 4147ex-3
warlockburnibg the witches 1984 germany (pari pientä reikää kannessa)vertigo 830902-1ex-10
we came in peace for all mankindhistory of space exploration including apollo 11 lunar landing, 1969 usadecca 79172ex---6
we fivemake someone happy 196? Usaam 138vg3
wet williewet willie 1971 usa orig. (punainen etiketti) kansi vgcapricorn sd 861vg15
whitesnakesaints and sinners 1982, re fame 3177ex-15
whitney houstonim your baby tonight (moottoripyörä kansi)! 1990aristaex--4
who by numbers 1975, re UK. polydor spelp 68ex-14
who ( bootleg ) ei kovin hyvä äänityslive 1975?? Bargain,behind mlue eyes,wont det fooled again, ym. (kansi vg)levy hyvä ex--ex--8
wire (väri vinyyli)!ahead 1987 germanyint 126.863ex--6
woman in red soundtrackStevie wonder 1984motownex-2
woodstock 3lpusa painos! Kansi vg+cotillion sd3-500vg(+)12
xanadu motion pictureelo and olivia newton-john jet lx 526ex-2
yardbirdsfive live 1964, re 1980 italyoxford 3174vg8
yellow dogyellow dog 1977 UK. Kansi vg+virgin v 2083ex-12
alice cooper: (ei kansia)muscle of love + huono kuntoinen kuvasisäpussi. Usa 1973wb bs 2748 vg+3
beatles (EI KANSIA)!for sale 1964, UK. Orig.?parlophone pmc 1240g+2
chicago: (EI KANSIA)golden highlights cbs 54725ex- 1
eric claptonbacktrakin 1984eric 1ex---1
fleetwood mac (ei kansia)rumours 1977wb ex---2
kraftwerkdie mensch mascine 1978 germany kling klang 058-32843vg--5
manfred mann`s earth band (ei kansia)angel station 1979bronze 516ex-2
national gallery (EI KANSIA)!music of paul klee 1968philips phs 600-266vg-1
shadow (EI KANSIA)!shadow music, UK. 1966 re (musta/hopea/valkoinen etiketti)columbia scx 6041ex---2
wes montgomery (ei kansia)pretty blue. France milestone 47030ex---2
abba the album 1977 sweden + kuvasisäpussipolar 282vg1
abbass mehrpouyasitar featuring african jumbo persianna psr 002vg+++2
al stewartlove chronickles UK. 1969cbs 63460vg++1
alan parsons projecttales of mystery and imagination edgar allan poe germany + vihko avat.kannet20th century 6370243vg+2
americahistory americas greatest hits 1975 usawb 698vg1
animalsanimals, sweden 1965emi columbia ssx 1016vg++2
aretha franklinspirit in the dark 1970, usaatlantic sd 8265vg2
artwoodsart callery UK. 1966, REdecca ex---2
beach boys best of vol. 1, usa 1966 RE ?capitol dt 2545vg++2
beatlesa hard days night UK. Monopmc 1230g++3
beatles 2lp (toinen levykin löytyy tähän)1962-1966 punainen tupla + texti sisäpussit, UK. (etukan. Pieni pala pois)pcsp 717 vg-2
billy j. kramer with the dakotaslisten 1963 UK.parlophone pcs 3047vg+++3
bing crosbyhome on the range usa 1956 liimaukset irtidecca dl 8210vg1
bob dylandylan 1973 holland (+ vihko joka ei kuulu tähän levyyn vaan cbs 38830 box)?cbs 32286ex--2
bob dylanhard rain holland 1976 + texti liite cbs 86016vg1
boney m. 20 golden hits aukkokansi ehjä…germanyhansa vg+++2
booker t. & the m.g.`sthe booker t. set , usastax 2009vg--1
bruce springsteenborn in the usa + textiliite 1984 taitaa olla usa painoscolumbia 7464-38653-1vg(+)1
burning speargarveys ghost UK.?ilps 9382vg+1
can sawdelight 1977 UK.virgin 2079vg2
ccrpendulum usa avattavat kannetfantasy 8410vg2
chicago blues allstarsloaded with the blues 1969, germanybasf crm 707vg+1
cliff richardclifs hit album 1962? UK. Monocolumbia 1512vg++3
cosmic michael1969, re 2015outsider osr 033ex--1
crosby,stills,nash & youngamerican dream usa 1988atlanticvg+1
dave brubeck quartet blue rondo 1987 germanycj-317vg++1
dave dee,dozy,beaky mick & tichdddbmt a plea for sanity UK. 1968fontana 13002vg-1
david gilmourabout face 1984 columbia pc 39296vg(+)1
diana ross presents the jackson 5same UK. 1969tamla 11142vg1
dionne warwickmake way for 1964 Usascepter 508vg+++2
doobie brothersbest of the doobies 1976 usawb 2978vg+1
doorseka, re canadaelekra 74007vg-1
dusty springfieldwhere am i going UK. 1967 Pieni pala kannesta poisphilips sbl 7820vg-1
eaglesone of these nights, usa kohokansi! + kuvasisäpussi!asylum 1039vg-2
easy ridereasy rider, UK.emi stateside ssl 5018vg-1
elvistv special 1968, germanyrca lsp 4088vg+++2
elvisthats the way it is, germanyrca lsp 4445vg2
elvishis hand in mine by elvis, germanyrca lsp 2328vg+++2
emmylou harriselite hotel 1976 UK.reprise 54060vg1
flashin the can 1972 usa, REcapitol emi sm- 11115vg1
focushamburger concerto 1974, canadaatco 36-100vg++1
gary glittergary glitter , germanybell 2308048vg++2
gary glittertouch me 1973 germany avat.kannetbell 2308062vg-1
gigliola cinquettiil treno dell amore , italypop 75ex---1
godsgods 1978, usamillenium 8003vg+1
hank williams, jr.country shadows, usa 1966mgm se-4391vg++2
hugo montenegrothe good the bad and the ugly 1968 germanyrca 3927vg1
här kommer pippi långstrump!här kommer pippi långstrump! 1969 sweden philips py 842565vg2
its a beautiful daymarrying maiden san francisco sound 04800vg+2
j.j. calenaturally, italyariston 18010vg+++2
jan & dean & the satellitesthe heart & soul , usa dlp-181vg++2
jerry yester, judy henske, c. doerge j.seiterrosebud 1971 usa cut outreprise 6426 vg1
joe southgames people play usa 1969capitol st 235g+1
john coltranethe best of 1970, usaatlantic sd 1541ex---3
john mayalljazz blues fusion live in boston and new york UK. 1972polydor 2425103vg1
john mayalljazz blues fusion live in boston and new york UK. 1972polydor 2425103vg+++2
kingston triothe best of the kingston trio vol. 2. usa 1965capitol t 2280vg++1
kingston triostring along usa 1960capitol t 1407vg+1
kinksmuswell hillbillies 1971 usarca 4644vg1
kris kristoffersonme and bobby mc gee, usa 1971monument z 30817vg+++1
limelitersthe slightly fabulous… USA 1961rca lpm 2393vg+2
linda cohenangel alley, usa cut out 1982tom 7010vg1
linn countyfever shot, usa + textisisäpussi!mercury 61218vg2
lollipopslollipops, sweden print? Orig.karusell kp 3000vg3
lord kitchenerkitch `67, usa 1966rca 3047vg+++2
manfred manns earth bandmanfred manns earth band 1972, RE 1977bronze 252ex---2
marva whitneyits my thing, usaking ksd 1062ex---4
moon martinmystery ticket 1981 (levykin löytyy, mutta hyppii ekassa biisissä)emi 400087vg+1
neil young (avattavat kannet ringwearia on)im happy that yall came down bootsi live at the los angeles music center…1971.rubber dubber recordsvg-1
paul revere & the raidershere they come! Usa columbia cl 2307vg+2
peter paul and maryalbum 1700, usa 1968wb ws 1700vg1
procol harumsomething magic, sweden + kuvasisäpussichrysalis chr 11320vg(+)1
pure prairie leagueif the shoe fits 1976 usarca 1247vg(+)1
ralph mctellyou well-meaning brought me here, usa, avattavat kannetparamount pas 6015vg1
rasputin stashrasputin stash 1974 usa gemigo0698vg++1
righteous brotherssoul & inspiration, usa 1966verve 5001vg--1
robert gordon/ link wrayfresh fish special 1978 swedenprivate stock 60560vg1
robert gretchguitar in action, france 1973montparnasse 2000ex--1
rock and rolllittle gerhard/ boris & telstars/ ken levy & the phantoms, swedencupol clp 84vg2
santanathe third album 1971 usacbs 69015vg(+)1
sarah vaughangolden hits! Usa 1965mercury 60645ex--2
sergio mendes trioin the brazilian bag usa 1968tower st 5052vg+1
shadowsthe best of the shadows, holland 1970emi 054-04300vg+2
simon and garfunkelgreatest hits 1972 hollandcbs 69003vg+1
sladeold new borrowed and blue, hollandpolydor 2383261 supervg1
soft machinefift, 1979 cbs embassy 31748vg--1
spirittwelve dreams of dr. Sardonicus, UK.epic epc 32006vg(+)1
spotnicksin paris, swedenkarusell kalp 1014ex---3
steve miller bandyour saving grace 1969, re canadacapitol emi sn 16079vg1
string driven thingsame 1972 UK.charisma cas 1062vg+2
sweetfanny adams UK.rca lpl1 5038vg1
The Galaxy GenerationGood Morning Starshine - Hair 1970sdlp 302 design recordsvg1
the modern jazz quartetthe sheriff 1964, usaatlantic sd 1414vg++3
tom jonesthe great tom jones, germany decca 263vg(+)1
tom jones two recordslive at caesars palace las vegas 1971 UK.decca vg1
tommy james & the shondellscrimson & glover, usaroulette sr-42023vg+1
U2live under a blood red sky 1983 canadaism 127vg+1
UKnight after naight live! 1979 cut out usapolydor pd-1-6234vg+1
west coast pop art experimental band vol. IIIa childs guide to good & evil, usa reprise rs 6298vg3
witchfinder general death penalty1982, re 2010 ? (very sex blood cover!!)?ex-3
xtcdrums and wires 1979 usavirgin 13134vg-1
young rascalsthe young rascals, usa 1966atlantic sd 8123vg-1
young traditionso cheerfully round UK. 1967trans atlantic tra 155vg2